'use strict';
Legio = require("./std");
/** @module legio/type */
* @callback type
* @param {*} value
* @alias module:legio/type
* @param {type} [inherits]
* @param {Object<String,(constructor|type)>|constructor} definition
* @returns {type} A function which (when called) chcecks if the given object corresponds with the definition.
* @example
A = type({ b: String, c: Number }),
B = type(A, { a: Function });
a = {
a: function () {},
b: "hello",
c: 42
b = {
a: "error",
b: "hello",
c: 42
console.log(A(a), A(b)); // true, true
console.log(B(a), B(b)); // true, false
C = type({ d: type.UNDEFINED, a: type.OR(String, Function) });
console.log(C(a), C(b)); // true, true
function type(inherits, def) {
if (!def) {
def = inherits;
inherits = null;
var check = (Object.isPlain(def) && !(def instanceof Or)) ? checkObject.bind(def) : checkValue.bind(null, def);
if (inherits) {
if (!inherits._type) {
inherits = type(null, inherits);
var originalCheck = check;
check = function (obj) {
return inherits(obj) && originalCheck(obj);
check._type = def;
return check;
* It checks whether the given value is a type or not
* @param {*} value
type.is = function (obj) {
return Function.is(obj) && obj._type !== undefined;
var Or = function (args) {
this.types = Array.from(args);
* Returns a custom type which can equal to any of the given types
* @param {...*} types
type.OR = function () {
return new Or(arguments);
/** value !== undefined */
type.DEFINED = 1;
/** value === undefined */
type.UNDEFINED = 2;
/** value === null*/
type.NULL = 3;
/** value !== undefined && value !== null */
type.FULL = 4;
/** value === undefined || value === null */
type.EMPTY = type.OR(type.UNDEFINED, type.NULL);
function checkObject(obj) {
if (!Object.isAny(obj)) {
return false;
var data = this;
for (var i in data) if (Object.owns(data, i)) {
if (!checkValue(data[i], obj[i])) {
return false;
return true;
function checkValue(T, val) {
if (Array.is(T)) {
T = T[0];
if (!Array.is(val)) {
return false;
if (T) {
for (var i = 0; i < val.length; ++i) {
if (!checkValue(T, val[i])) {
return false;
else if (Number.is(T)) {
switch (T) {
case type.DEFINED:
return val !== undefined;
case type.UNDEFINED:
return val === undefined;
case type.NULL:
return val === null;
case type.FULL:
return val !== undefined && val !== null;
else if (T instanceof Or) {
T = T.types;
for (var i = 0; i < T.length; ++i) {
if (checkValue(T[i], val)) {
return true;
return false;
else if (T === Function || T === String || T === Number || T === Boolean || T === Array) {
return T.is(val);
else if (T === Object) {
return T.isPlain(val);
else if (Function.is(T)) {
if (type.is(T)) {
return T(val);
else {
return val instanceof T;
return true;
module.exports = type;